Friday, October 26, 2012

Chapter 7: Networking: Connecting computing devices

What is the difference between a client/server netrwork and a peer-to-peer network?

A: A peer to peer network has no central server and are usually installed in homes and small businesses at a low cost. The only problem is there is not much security offered with this network. In a client/server network they all have centralized security databases that control access to shared resourses on servers but with a hefty cost.

What is a network, and what are the advanteges/disadvantages of setting one up?

A "network" is the communiative working of two or more computers with the abilty to transfer information between eachother. A network is usually connected through cables or signls such as phone lines, radio waves, satilites, or infrared light beams. This type of connection between a few computers in a is called a (LAN) Local Area Network.
Wide Area Networks (WAN) are networks that span over large areas such as states, regions, nations, and even world wide. With such a wide network like this one, communication between places around the world is relativly easier, faster, and cheaper. this accounts for world wide online social networks, video chatting, instant messaging, and more.

The advantages of setting a private network is the connectivity of sharing, uploading, changing, and distributing of related private information. with in a network, servers are usualy setup or the servicing and maintinance of the iformation being shared in the network. A private network is also usually secured with program access can only be granted through authorization(username/password). Certain information within the network may also can only be accesed by additional authorizations. private netwroks like described above can be found in schools, businesses, and large private and public orgnizations.

The disadvantages of setting up a network can come along with many difficulties. It is very easy to find out that seting up a large private network can become very costly. The cost is usually by many different accumilated factors. After expenses, time and adminastrative labor should required at nearly all times of regular network traffic. Servers must maintained aswell do to the fact many them fail from time to time. After dealing with such like problem plus hardware aswell, there still must be a geat deal of time and money spent on security to keep te network and its informaton safe.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chapter 5- Using system software

10) What utility programs are included in system software, and what do they do?

A: Utility software helps maintain and optimize a computer.You can adjust your display, add or remove programs, compress files, clean unnecessary files off your system, check for lost files and errors, restore your system to previous settings, back up your files, schedule automatic tasks, and check on programs that have stopped running. Examples of these software's are anti-virus(scan computer for viruses),disk cleaners(users can decide what to delete when their hard-disk is full), backup(make copies of files stored on a disk), memory testers(check for memory failure), file managers(helpful tasks, such as deleting, moving, merging, copying & modifying data), e.t.c...

What are the different kind of operating systems
  • Batch Opperating Systems
  • Real Time Opperating Systems
  • Single User Opperating Systems
  • Multitasking Opperating Systems
  • Multi-user Opperating Systems
  • Distributed Opperating Systems

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chapter 3: Using the internet

1)What is a web browser, and what is a URL and what are its parts?

A: When using the internet a web browser needs to be installed..Examples of web browsers are Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, FireFox, Safari. The Browser includes the status bar, title bar, address bar, toolbar icons, scroll bar, and display window. A URL is the location of the file address you type to reach the website of choice consisting of the protocal, domain, and paths.

1)What is the origin of the internet?

A:The Internet is the largest computer network in the world, connecting millions of computers (Hence being called "world wide web"). The internet was develpoed by the military to communicate very important events that would take place in the middle of a war. it didnt take long for researchers and educaters to appreciate the communication conveniency and the long distance availibility of the this new found internet.